We are your NLP Information Center!

Hey, web people!!!! We admit it, we know -- this is a "low-tech" website, but it is really very warm and fuzzy. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an exciting, and totally new technology. This web site is more than just a web site -- it is an NLP experience. Our intention is to introduce NLP to those new to it and to provide a place for the community of interested individuals where the NLP resources on the web and in the world can be accessed. Our listings are non-biased and we play no favorites. After you have browsed our site for awhile, please take the time to fill out our feedback form. We hope to make this site the best it can be and what you think makes a big difference to us.  How to put your banner on our page!

IMPORTANT: Make sure you are listed in our database of NLP practitioners throughout the world. After all, you might get referrals!! As with our institutes, each listing is by request and is kept current. If you are a practitioner, master practitioner or trainer of NLP and would like to have your free listing, it can easily be done online.

WHAT IS NLP: An Introduction to NLP is available for those who are new to NLP and would like a little background.

EXERCISES & EXPERIENCES: Provides techniques and patterns for creating a change while experiencing NLP. If you've got the Macromedia Shockwave plug-in, then don't miss our roving eyeball at the end of "The Eyes Have It."

FREE DOWNLOAD: Grab a copy of MindSync. This shareware program is designed to help you reach different states of consciousness. Plug into the new wave of meditation, the kind that requires headphones!

RESOURCES: There's a list of NLP Resources. These include organizations, web sites, training institutes and periodicals. All organizations listed provide trainings available to the public and can be contacted for further information. Most organizations also list their trainings in our NLP Events section. This service is non-biased, free and no institutes were harmed in the making of this list.

WANT SOME FUN: If you are worn and weary from your usual NLP applications? Take a break in our new "Humor for Advanced NLP'ers section". Is it humorous? Yes. Is it NLP-related? Yes! Is there finally a new article? Yes! Be the first to read "Undercurrents in Metaphor", the article that Anchor Point was afraid to print!

EVENTS: We have a list of events, including trainings and conferences. All the information is updated as it is received and kept as accurate as possible. Contact information is available on the NLP Resources page.

FEEDBACK: We greatly appreciate any suggestions or comments you may have to improve this site. Please mail us. Just fill out this handy form. We wish to make the NIC as useful as possible, and your feedback helps.

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