Institutes Online

If you or any person or organization you know of would like to be listed on this page, please send the contact information to

The Institute of NLP, Inc.
This Austin, Texas institute has created a page worth visiting. First, you've got the usual set of links, bios of the trainers and a calendar of events. Secondly and most interesting, are the articles. For instance, the answer to the question why should people be more like ducks? Also, what is and what isn't NLP? Intrigued? Curious? Good. Check it out.

International Teaching Seminars
ITS contains little nugget tasters of NLP. There's a brief intro, a quick little story and even a pagethat's tough to ignore (tell me if you find that you have no interest in clicking on a link entitled "Want to Change Your World?"). This institute makes it easy to get a feel for their style and attitude from their website.

Advanced Neuro Dynamics

These guys were the first on the web and still have one of the best web sites for learning NLP and for getting support. They actually answer email, and are generally friendly and helpful. They also have a web site totallt devoted to hypnosis at this is a great resource for NLP'ers wanting to learn about hypnosis.

Influencing with Integrity From Genie Z. Laborde, author of Influencing With Integrity, Fine Tune Your Brain and 90 Days to Communication Excellence, comes the Influencing with Integrity site. You'll get the usual meet the trainer and here's our schedule stuff, but then there's the Pegasus section. Two sections, actually. The Pegasus Meeting Plan Demo is a slide show that covers the basics of the Pegasus Meeting Plan system. Then try out Pegasus Meeting Plan Interactive and learn the system -- you should be handling any business meetings better, but you'll also develop a feel for Laborde's unique style. This one's definitely worth the click.

The Strong Institute
Kathy Strong's Institute exposes itself on the web. Grab the calendar of events, course information or take the test and find out whether you should take the course on stress.

Georgian Bay NLP Centre
A tasteful promotional page. Find out lots of stuff about the Georgian Bay NLP Center or just browse their catalog of products.

The Great Salt Lake NLPer's have placed much information about their trainers, trainings and even a few web links, all on a single page.

Impact Learning Centers
This site consists mostly of the writings of the very prolific Carmine Baffa. The articles are extremely intriguing and numerous. It would be very easy to lose track of time while browsing through these essays -- in fact, it was.

Inspiritive An Australian Web site with articles, information on their trainings and a few experiential processes for those of you who are looking for more useful toys/tools for your head.

The Australian Association of Professional Hypnotherapists and NLP Practitioners (AAPHAN)
Along with a pretty picture of the Gold Coast of Australia is a large quantity of info on AAPHAN and it's executive officers. Become a member, attend the informal monthly meetings, or just sign the guestbook.

Leading Edge Communications Home Page
Leading Edge Communication's home page contains the usual training info, and events listings, but you can also read through the exercise-a-day type calendars devoted to such subjects as anchoring and irresistable communication. The site manager (the author of Advanced Language Patterns Mastery -- available at LEC's page) is also starting an online magazine -- as of this writing the only article is about accepting submissions, but these things change quickly on the web.

The NLP Group
The NLP Group is a London based practice and support group. The meet twice weekly and discuss some fascinating topics. This page serves mostly as a calendar of events. 

The NLP Institute of Chicago Home Page
A site containing training information, background on the institute itself, a short explanation of NLP,and a couple of lists of recommended books and other NLP Institutes.

Success Dynamics's NLP Articles
A Website for the advanced NLP'er. Improve your powers here.

John Seymour Associates
John Seymour, the co-author of Introducing NLP and Training With NLP heads John Seymour Associates (ironic, no?), and this is the site upon which you may research the trainers, the trainings and the upcoming seminars.

Engel and Associates
Lifestar Publishing and Consulting Homepage
The authors of The NLP Personality Profile, Gregory Engle and Jay Arthur both have pages. Jay Arthur's is Lifestar which you can get to from Engel and Associate's page. They both offer products, they both offer an opportunity to experience a small portion of the Personal Profile. Engel's page also offers an article describing the Personal Profile. Lifestar has some info about Total Quality managment.

NLP Center - New York Training Institute for NLP
This site will give most people all the information they'll need regarding the New York Training Institute for NLP. If you need more, there's a very simple form to request what you require. Additionally, there are monthly articles from staff members (including Anne Linden), a bulletin board for NLP discussion and they sell their own books and tapes.

NLP Advanced Communication Training
ACT brings to you basic articles, a FAQ for curious-thinking-about-taking-courses-people, and event listings for The NLP Centers of New York and Zürich.

Thies Stahl Seminare
In English or German you can find out the current Thies Stahl's training information. Additionally (but only in German) you can find out about his books, seminar topics and recent experiences with child custody battles.

The International Neuro-Linguistic Programming Trainer's Association (INLPTA)'s web page is here. Find out all about their philosophies, founders, upcoming events and rules. Discover a good reason to sign up and register with them online.

Advanced Neuro Dynamics Online -- Tad James
Amidst the training information, read great pages on NLP and Time Line Therapy(tm) or get the skinny on ancient Hawaiian Huna. This site is brought to you by Tad James, the author of The Secret of Creating Your Future and Time Line Therapy(tm) and the Basis of Personality.

The First Institute of NLP and DHE
This is Richard Bandler's Home page. What's it got to offer? Well, not much yet. It's still very much under construction. Most of the links just lead to locations you can get to from NLP Seminars Group anyway. The restare still being worked on. There is an opportunity to get on Bandler's mailing list (via snail-mail apparently). Still, considering Bandler'sstatus, we have high hopes for the future of this site.

NLP Seminars Group International
The NLP Seminars group has put together a nifty little website, with articles on NLP and DHE, as well as training information and a list of "Society of NLP" Approved Training Institutions. There's also a transcript of an interview with Richard Bandler.

IDEA Seminars
The IDEA Seminars page contains plenty of training information, background on Rex and Carolyn Sikes and a calendar of events. Also, Carolyn Sikes has written an understandable article explaining some of the major aspects of DHE (Design Human Engineering)

International NLP and Southern Institute of NLP Homepage
This page is pretty much dedicated to this large and international training institute. Information on trainings across the globe is available here. And they sell books, videos and audio-cassettes.

Performance Enhancement Limited
Amidst trainer information and training schedules, there are a couple of article with titles like "NLP for Managers" and "Succeeding in the Sea of Stress."

NLP Wellness Center Home Page
The NLP Wellness Center provides training information, lists of events and a way to order their "gold" tapes.

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